Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Training is underway

Yesterday I started my official training cycle for the Cap City Half Marathon on May 5.  I've registered for two half marathons this year, the Cap City Half Marathon in May and the Columbus Half Marathon in October.  In May it will have been two years since I ran a half marathon, and in October it will have been three years since I ran a full marathon.  

I don't know that running a full marathon is in the books for me again, and don't know that I'll ever even WANT to run a full marathon again.  But the bug is there...even after only one day of training, and realizing that I'm not in the kind of shape I was two years ago, I'm thinking about what the possibility is that I might be able to run a full marathon next year.

I took this week off work.  I've been working a lot of overtime in the last couple of months.  I had originally taken Friday and Saturday off so that I could go out and celebrate my birthday if I wanted to, without having to worry about working it around my work schedule.  Then I saw the opportunity to just take the entire week off, so I jumped at the chance.  It was a small window to get the time off, since three of the people at work will be having some type of surgery this month, and will be off work for a while.  That, combined with the inevitable markoffs that come around and the fact that the department is working on hiring a new person, which will take someone out of the schedule to train, means I'm probably looking at a good bit of schedule moves and overtime coming up.  So...I took the time off while I could.

Also working some this week on planning on parents' 50th Anniversary reception.  It's not until March 24th, but I want to get as much planning and stuff done early so that I can minimize the last minute stuff that always comes around with something like this.  

Most of the decorations have already been bought and paid for and are sitting in a box in my living room.  For anyone who's ever planned anything like this, you also know that some things can't be done until other parts of the puzzle have been finalized.  But overall things are running fairly smoothly so far (I hope I didn't just jinx myself).  

So...besides my workouts, this week is pretty much a week of planned relaxation.  I'm not checking my work emails, and I'm not answering the phone if the call comes from work.  The only part of work I'll see this week is today and friday, since the gym where I work out is at the police department.  But running is being done on the roads or parks this week.

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