Friday, January 6, 2012

You're Not Good At It

I've said it before...but it's worth repeating...

Don't try to read my mind.  History has proven that you're not very good at it.

Now on to other news.  I started 2012 out right with a 5K run in Westerville.  The first two miles were pretty decent, but most of the last mile was up hill and that slowed me down.  But I was out there on the roads running and that's all that really matters to me.  I had been running on the treadmill before work in the mornings.  I feel pretty good when I'm doing that, but waking up at 4am was getting to be a little I tried running after work instead.  That didn't go quite as well, so I'm back to running before work.  Yeah, waking up at 4am isn't ideal...but I've gotten used to it now and it's really not THAT bad.  That will actually help me out when it comes to running the Cap City and Columbus Half Marathons later this year, since both will require me to wake up early and head down town if I hope to find a place to park anywhere close to where I need to be to start running.

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