Thursday, January 19, 2012

Can't be waived?!

A little follow-up to my last post.  On Sunday I had my WOW cable and internet installed in my house.  Monday, after going to the dentist, I took my Insight Cable equipment back to their main office and turned it in, thus ending my relationship with them...(well, they still owe me for the bill I paid 1 day before cancelling their service, so I guess I can't say it's over yet).  I went home, laid down to watch some TV and relax and a commercial came on for Insight cable.  The commercial was a special that Insight was offering new customers.  It was a pretty good deal, 50% off all Insight products and FREE INSTALLATION.  That's right, after refusing to waive the installation fee for a long time customer who had experienced some inconvenience, they were willing to waive the same fee in order to get others to become new customers.  AMAZING!

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