Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Updates and Irritations

I mentioned earlier that I had made a couple resolutions for 2013.  One was to read at least 12 books this year.  The second was to log 1000 miles of running for the year.

Yesterday I completed my third book of the year.  "Sinners and Saints" is a good crime drama/thriller that takes place in New Orleans.  Ironically, part of the story line takes place as a large hurricane is bearing down on the city.  The hardcover edition of the book was released about 5 weeks before hurricane Katrina actually hit New Orleans.

I have started my fourth book - "I Run, Therefore I'm Nuts", and expect to have it read pretty quickly.

As for my running order to run 1000 miles this year I would need to average 83.3 miles each month.  So far this month I have run just over 60 miles.  I plan to run about 4-5 miles this afternoon, 5-6 miles tomorrow and 10 miles on Saturday.  That, plus the milage I put in next week should put me a few miles over my needed average to be on track for the year.  I expect to be able to hit the milage, but this will not be something I complete early.  Logging 1000 miles of running this year will take me in to December if not right up to New Years Eve.

So there are the updates.  Now to the irritations.  A couple small irritations really. 

One is when people can just never be happy.  One example is at work.  I work for a very good department.  As someone who comes in to contact with dispatchers from all over the state, I am able to see first hand just how good we have it at the department where I dispatch.  Our pay is good, our benefits are good, our equipment is good, our training is good.  I think one would have a hard time finding a dispatch center anywhere in the state of Ohio where things are this good.  But still some complain.  This isn't the only example of this I can give.  It's not just people I work with, but there are friends and family members too who can always seem to find the cloud in the silver lining.

Another irritation is when people insist on telling how the show ends.  There are a few shows that I watch on a regular basis.  Survivor is one of those shows.  I used to work with a person who LOVED knowing what was going to happen before the show aired.  She made it a point to find all the "spoiler" websites and blogs on any competition show and let you know what was going to happen, who was going to get "voted off the island" or whatever.  I made it clear several times that I didn't like to watch shows when I know how they're going to end up.  My sister watches Survivor also.  We will discuss the show on occassion, but we're both respectful of the fact that we know that we each record the show sometimes and watch it later that evening or later that week.  So before we talk any specifics we always ask the other if they have seen the episode first, that way we don't spoil anything for the other.  Why do people feel the need to "tell the ending"?  If someone watches the show, they know the ending (unless of course they record the show and plan to watch it later).  For that former co-worker it was her desire to "know more" than you do about a show (and I'm convinced she knew how much it irritated me so she did it just to achieve her goal of irritating me). 
So please understand.  I record many of the shows that I watch and watch them back later.  My schedule rarely allows me to watch shows when they actually air.  If you insist on talking about the show, DON'T GIVE AWAY THE ENDING.

OK...I'm done now.  Irritations are minor and I'm progressing well with my resolutions for the year.

I have to mention one other thing that I found humorous last night.  I got home from a late meeting at work last night in time to turn on the national news.  The lead story on the national news last night was that it was cold across most of the country.  In case you're reading this blog entry on a later date, check out the date I posted it...It's January .... of course it's cold across most of the country.  I was even more surprised by the number of people they found to interview who seemed "shocked" by this cold weather in the middle of winter.

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