Wednesday, January 16, 2013


After posting my review of 2012 I received a text from a friend and co-worker that said "Seriously, you didn't read a single book last year?"  After thinking about it I realized that I had actually read two books last year:

Buckeye - a book about Woody Hayes and Ohio State Football, that I received as a Christmas gift when I was a kid.

And a second book, the name of which escapes me, but it was a crime drama that involved government agents, members of Congress and Supreme Court Justices.

But the text got me thinking a little.  As a kid I loved to read.  I could sit in my room for hours completely engrossed in a book.  I would picture the story in my mind.  Even as an adult I would do the same whenever I found a book and actually got started reading.  I was introduced to the Harry Potter series by a co-worker, and when I went to see the first movie in the series I was amazed at how much the Hogwarts Express looked like the picture I had in my mind of the train.

So, I have, although a little late, set a couple of New Years Resolutions for 2013.  The first was to log 1000 miles of running in 2013.  I think running will play a role in my resolutions for several years.

The second resolution for 2013 is to read at least twelve books.  I've already got two of those books out of the way.  My first book of the new year was a book called "The Liberator" by Alex Kershaw.  For anyone who is interested in WWII history, the book is a true account of a soldier and his unit that moved through Europe during the late part of WWII, including the liberation of Dachau.  The book was recommended to me by a gentleman who called in to the police department looking for some help in locating a friend of his, who is also a WWII veteran.  A very nice man who kept me on the phone listening to his stories for quite a while.

The second book I actually finished in a single afternoon/evening.  "The Accidental Athlete" by John Bingham is a book I read this past Monday.  This is the third book I've read by John Bingham, and I had the opportunity to see him speak at the Las Vegas Rock n Roll Marathon Expo last December.  So much of his experiences with running are experiences that I can definitely relate to.  As a matter of fact, there are times when reading his books, that I feel like he's writing about me.

These will not be the only reading that I do in 2013.  My sister got me a gift subscription to Readers Digest, and I also subscribe to Runner's World Magazine.  So I'll get plenty of reading in during the 2013 years, so I'll have a better answer next January about my 2013 reading.

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