Friday, January 4, 2013

Going Back to School

I decided today to go back to school.  But not just any school.  This spring I will be attending Harvard University.  Yeah, you read correctly...Harvard.  I was watching a show a couple of months ago and saw a story about how several major universities were offering courses on line...for free.  The "catch" is that you do not receive college credit for the course.  That's it.  The course is an actual college course being taught on line.  The lectures that I will attend on line will be lectures given to the paying students.  I will be assigned the same reading assignments, same homework and same classwork as the paying students.

I'm looking forward to starting the course and doing something a little more than the running/working/whatever.

This Spring I'm taking a course called "Justice".  From the website, here is a course overview:

"Justice is a critical analysis of classical and contemporary theories of justice, including discussion of present-day applications. Topics include affirmative action, income distribution, same-sex marriage, the role of markets, debates about rights (human rights and property rights), arguments for and against equality, dilemmas of loyalty in public and private life. The course invites students to subject their own views on these controversies to critical examination.
The principle readings for the course are texts by Aristotle, John Locke, Immanuel Kant, John Stuart Mill, and John Rawls. Other assigned readings include writings by contemporary philosophers, court cases, and articles about political controversies that raise philosophical questions."

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