Tuesday, January 1, 2013

2013 is Here - 2012 In the Books

Well, in spite of all the dooms day predictions that assured us that the world, or at least those of us on it, would not see 2013, the day has arrived.

Like any other year, 2012 came with some changes.  The way I started the year turned out to be a symbol for the entire year.  I started 2012 running in the First on the First 5K run in Westerville New Years Day.  I set a resolution to run two half marathons in 2012, so starting the year running helped to set the tone.  I was very happy with my running in 2012, running four half marathons and a few other runs along the way.

My parents celebrated their 50th Anniversary in 2012, and we recognized that milestone with a lot of friends and family.  I was happy with the number of people who came to the reception we held for them.  Some of the people were friends and family they see on a regular basis.  Others were people who my parents hadn't seen in many years.  It made for a good day and a good celebration.

In late April I joined My Fitness Pal as a way to track my calorie intake and my exercise.  It has worked great for me, helping me to lose 79 pounds of the weight I had regained.  I'm back to a weight that I'm comfortable with, and although I'd still like to get about another six pounds off, if I stick around where I am right now I'll be ok with that.  This is one of those good circles...running has helped me to lose weight, losing weight has helped me to run further, running further has helped me to lose more weight, and so on.

I took a few trips this year.  Most to basically the same destination.  In May, July and December I went to Las Vegas.  The first two trips were basically for sightseeing and relaxing.  The last trip was to run in the Vegas Half Marathon.  If you're thinking about heading to Vegas I would say this...yes it is a dry heat, but in the middle of the summer "dry heat" means nothing at all.  HOT IS HOT.  So unless you plan on spending all of your time in the casinos, don't visit Las Vegas in the summer.

In September, after a few years off, I made a return trip to New York for the Tunnel to Towers Run.  I enjoyed getting back there for that event, and doing some sightseeing around New York City.  My Chief keeps saying that I need to arrange to be in New York at a time when he's there so that he can show me the real sights of the city.  Hopefully I can work that out with him some time.

So all in all, 2012 was a pretty good year for me.  I kept busy, got back to running, took some trips, and reconnected with some old friends.

Bad things happened in 2012 also.  Unfortunately bad things will always happen, and people will always use those bad things to try and influence their own agendas.  But in spite of the terrible tragedies and all the media hype about the "fiscal cliff", for me, 2013 is looking to be a good year.  It is what we make it.  We have a choice.  We can choose to be optimistic or choose to be pessimistic.  Why choose the latter?

This time of the year more than any other, is a time to be optimistic.  There are people who get depressed during the holidays and I say this...This is the time of the year when we celebrate the fact that no matter what bad happens here on earth, we were given a promise that there is more than our life on earth to look forward to.  This coming Sunday on the day of Epiphany, we conclude that celebration.  However, it's something we need to always remember.

1 comment:

  1. My Fitness Pal was enormously helpful in starting me on my weight loss journey. Keep up the good work, bro.
