Tuesday, January 29, 2013


Although I've mentioned it a couple of times, I haven't made a huge deal of it. But anyone reading this who knows me knows that in 2006 I had bariatric surgery. I had the surgery after a lifetime of yo-yo dieting, losing weight then gaining more back, then losing again then gaining even more back, and so on and so on and so on. By the time I finally decided to have surgery I had gotten up to a whopping 440 pounds. The surgery was successful and I dropped 200 pounds within a year. I was eating better and I found that I actually enjoyed running for exercise and some stress management.

But something happened. I became one of those people you hear horror stories about. I was the guy who had the surgery and gained back the weight. Now to be clear, I did not gain back nearly the amount of weight that I'd lost. But I did gain back more than I should have.

In April of last year I noticed a couple of people at work who had dropped some weight.  When I mentioned it to one he showed me an app on his phone called myfitnesspal.  The app allows the user to log all calories they take in during the day as well as the calories they burn through activity/exercise.  

One of the things I learned during my bariatric surgery process was that logging of the calories I take it will help me be more successful in the weight loss process.  So I started using myfitnesspal, as well as going back to the basics of using the tool I got through my surgery, and once again began losing weight.  My goal was to get back down to at least the 240 pound mark.  I picked that number for a reason.  That was basically what I weighed during the majority of my time in the Army.  

As of last weekend I had reached that goal.  I was able to do it without sacrificing the foods that I love.  I have reset my allowable calorie intake to continue to lose more weight, but if that doesn't happen and I stay right around the 240 mark, I'll be ok with that.  

I'm running again, as anyone who reads my blog knows.  I am currently registered for five half marathons in 2013.  I set a goal of logging 1000 miles of running during this year.  That would mean that I would have to run 83.3 miles each month.  For January, I've already accomplished that, having logged just over 85 miles this month so far (with plans to tack on another 4-6 miles in the next couple of days).

I know that in order to keep from gaining again I will have to continue logging my calories in and calories out each day.  That's going to be a life long commitment.  The good thing is that this has taught me that I do not have to go without those foods that I love.  I can still eat the candy bars on occasion.  I can still have pizza, apple pie, ice cream....I just can't allow those things to be my meals, snacks and deserts every day. I also have learned how much I have to walk or run in order to work off that extra candy bar, slice of pizza, apple pie or ice cream.

Now to more about my running.  In a couple of weeks I will be heading down to Myrtle Beach for my first half marathon of the year.  I'm setting two goals for myself with regards to this run.  The first goal, as it has been for nearly every half I've run so far, is to finish the race without any walk breaks.  I've come pretty close once, but haven't run an entire 13.1 miles without stopping to walk for at least 5 minutes.  My second goal for this run is to record a personal best time.  My current best time for a half marathon is 2:16:29.  In order to run a 2:15:00 or better, I have to average a little better than a 10:18 per mile pace.  

My "push it" goal would be to finish is 2:11:00, which would require averaging a 10:00 per mile pace for the entire 13.1 miles.  I'm sure you know that I'll let you know how I do.

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Updates and Irritations

I mentioned earlier that I had made a couple resolutions for 2013.  One was to read at least 12 books this year.  The second was to log 1000 miles of running for the year.

Yesterday I completed my third book of the year.  "Sinners and Saints" is a good crime drama/thriller that takes place in New Orleans.  Ironically, part of the story line takes place as a large hurricane is bearing down on the city.  The hardcover edition of the book was released about 5 weeks before hurricane Katrina actually hit New Orleans.

I have started my fourth book - "I Run, Therefore I'm Nuts", and expect to have it read pretty quickly.

As for my running goal...in order to run 1000 miles this year I would need to average 83.3 miles each month.  So far this month I have run just over 60 miles.  I plan to run about 4-5 miles this afternoon, 5-6 miles tomorrow and 10 miles on Saturday.  That, plus the milage I put in next week should put me a few miles over my needed average to be on track for the year.  I expect to be able to hit the milage, but this will not be something I complete early.  Logging 1000 miles of running this year will take me in to December if not right up to New Years Eve.

So there are the updates.  Now to the irritations.  A couple small irritations really. 

One is when people can just never be happy.  One example is at work.  I work for a very good department.  As someone who comes in to contact with dispatchers from all over the state, I am able to see first hand just how good we have it at the department where I dispatch.  Our pay is good, our benefits are good, our equipment is good, our training is good.  I think one would have a hard time finding a dispatch center anywhere in the state of Ohio where things are this good.  But still some complain.  This isn't the only example of this I can give.  It's not just people I work with, but there are friends and family members too who can always seem to find the cloud in the silver lining.

Another irritation is when people insist on telling how the show ends.  There are a few shows that I watch on a regular basis.  Survivor is one of those shows.  I used to work with a person who LOVED knowing what was going to happen before the show aired.  She made it a point to find all the "spoiler" websites and blogs on any competition show and let you know what was going to happen, who was going to get "voted off the island" or whatever.  I made it clear several times that I didn't like to watch shows when I know how they're going to end up.  My sister watches Survivor also.  We will discuss the show on occassion, but we're both respectful of the fact that we know that we each record the show sometimes and watch it later that evening or later that week.  So before we talk any specifics we always ask the other if they have seen the episode first, that way we don't spoil anything for the other.  Why do people feel the need to "tell the ending"?  If someone watches the show, they know the ending (unless of course they record the show and plan to watch it later).  For that former co-worker it was her desire to "know more" than you do about a show (and I'm convinced she knew how much it irritated me so she did it just to achieve her goal of irritating me). 
So please understand.  I record many of the shows that I watch and watch them back later.  My schedule rarely allows me to watch shows when they actually air.  If you insist on talking about the show, DON'T GIVE AWAY THE ENDING.

OK...I'm done now.  Irritations are minor and I'm progressing well with my resolutions for the year.

I have to mention one other thing that I found humorous last night.  I got home from a late meeting at work last night in time to turn on the national news.  The lead story on the national news last night was that it was cold across most of the country.  In case you're reading this blog entry on a later date, check out the date I posted it...It's January .... of course it's cold across most of the country.  I was even more surprised by the number of people they found to interview who seemed "shocked" by this cold weather in the middle of winter.

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Wednesday, January 16, 2013


After posting my review of 2012 I received a text from a friend and co-worker that said "Seriously, you didn't read a single book last year?"  After thinking about it I realized that I had actually read two books last year:

Buckeye - a book about Woody Hayes and Ohio State Football, that I received as a Christmas gift when I was a kid.

And a second book, the name of which escapes me, but it was a crime drama that involved government agents, members of Congress and Supreme Court Justices.

But the text got me thinking a little.  As a kid I loved to read.  I could sit in my room for hours completely engrossed in a book.  I would picture the story in my mind.  Even as an adult I would do the same whenever I found a book and actually got started reading.  I was introduced to the Harry Potter series by a co-worker, and when I went to see the first movie in the series I was amazed at how much the Hogwarts Express looked like the picture I had in my mind of the train.

So, I have, although a little late, set a couple of New Years Resolutions for 2013.  The first was to log 1000 miles of running in 2013.  I think running will play a role in my resolutions for several years.

The second resolution for 2013 is to read at least twelve books.  I've already got two of those books out of the way.  My first book of the new year was a book called "The Liberator" by Alex Kershaw.  For anyone who is interested in WWII history, the book is a true account of a soldier and his unit that moved through Europe during the late part of WWII, including the liberation of Dachau.  The book was recommended to me by a gentleman who called in to the police department looking for some help in locating a friend of his, who is also a WWII veteran.  A very nice man who kept me on the phone listening to his stories for quite a while.

The second book I actually finished in a single afternoon/evening.  "The Accidental Athlete" by John Bingham is a book I read this past Monday.  This is the third book I've read by John Bingham, and I had the opportunity to see him speak at the Las Vegas Rock n Roll Marathon Expo last December.  So much of his experiences with running are experiences that I can definitely relate to.  As a matter of fact, there are times when reading his books, that I feel like he's writing about me.

These will not be the only reading that I do in 2013.  My sister got me a gift subscription to Readers Digest, and I also subscribe to Runner's World Magazine.  So I'll get plenty of reading in during the 2013 years, so I'll have a better answer next January about my 2013 reading.

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

2012 in Review & 2013 Preview

I saw this on another blog that I was looking at and thought I'd do the same.  The blog I found it on answered only for 2012, but I'm going to answer both for 2012 and 2013.

1 - What did you do in 2012/will you do in 2013 that you've never done before?

I'm not sure I can really say there is anything I did in 2012 that I've NEVER done before.  I did follow a training program for my running throughout the entire year, rather than just for bits and pieces.  I guess I can say that I ran 4 Half-Marathons in a single year, which I've never done before.  For 2013 I've got 5 Half Marathons scheduled, and may try to throw a 6th one in there somewhere.  I am also taking an online course  through edEx and Harvard University that should be interesting.

2 - Did you keep your New Years Resolutions and will you make more for 2013?

If you read my blog you know that I did keep my New Years Resolution for 2012, which was to run two Half Marathons.  In 2013 I have, just today, decided on a resolution.  This one may actually be a little more difficult to achieve than last year's.  I've been striving to be a more positive person, and think I've done a pretty good job.  But I still get caught up at times talking negatively about other people.  My resolution for 2013 is to not do that.  It will be difficult and I will have to come back to this blog on occasion to remind myself.  I also plan to put a reminder on my calendar at work to remind me daily.

3 - Did anyone close to you give birth?

No one in 2012.  However, early this year already my nephew has welcomed his daughter in to world (Addison Marie) and another nephew and his wife will welcome their second daughter later this month (Abigail).

4 - Did anyone close to you die?


5 - Which countries did you visit?

Stayed in the US in 2012, and doing the same in 2013.  I did take some vacations, making 3 trips to Las Vegas and a trip to NYC.  In 2013 I will make some trips to Lexington, Ky, Myrtle Beach, SC, Philadelphia, Pa, and NYC.

6 - What would you like to have in 2013 that you lacked in 2012?

A mild summer.  Weather that will allow me to run outdoors without completely overheating.

7 - What dates in 2012 will remain etched in your memory?

I don't think any specific dates will remain etched.  Of course the terrible shooting in Newtown, CT are an event that I will not soon forget, reconnecting with an old friend will also be something I'll remember.

8 - What was your biggest achievement of the year?

I would say running a personal best time for the half marathon that I ran in Columbus.  I hope to best that time in 2013, and maybe even look at running the half in under two hours.

9 - What was your biggest failure?

While I don't consider this a huge failure, it was somewhat of a failure.  In October I received news that I was not happy about.  My reaction to that news was not what I would have liked it to be.  I think I had a right to be upset by the news and to express that disappointment, but I could have, and should have, done it in a more professional manner.

10 - Did you suffer illness or injury?

Nope, I was pretty healthy throughout the year, and didn't sustain any injuries at all.  I'll knock on wood that I remain healthy this upcoming year.

11 - What is the best thing you bought?

I bought myself a new car in July.  At 46 years old, it was only the third time that a bought a car brand new, and the first time that I bought any car with the "extras".  It didn't come with all the bells and whistles, but it did have a few.

12 - Whose behavior merited celebration?

I would have to say my nephew Alex.  Not sure it was his "behavior" that merited celebration, but his accomplishments surely did.  Alex was selected to attend Buckeye Boys State in 2012 and was also accepted to the Neomed program at Youngstown State University.

13 - Where did most of your money go?

That's none of your business.

14 - What did you get really really really excited about?

I always get really excited about Christmas.  That's just me.  Christmas is the time of year I loved as a kid and still love as an adult.

15 - What song will always remind you of 2012?

Sorry, but I'm not that deep.

16 - Compared to this time last year, are you happier or sadder?

I have to say that I'm happier.  While not everything in my life is as I wish it were, I really do try to focus on the positive.  I have many good friends and am able to do things in my personal life that I enjoy (mainly running).  As long as I can keep this attitude, focus on the positive things in life rather than on the negative, then I'll be good.  As I've said before, we choose our mood.  We choose what things to focus on.  Every person in this world has bad things happen to them, it's called life.  We can focus on the negative or we can be happy that those bad things weren't worse (cuz they could be).

17 - What do you wish you'd done more of?

I wish I'd have lost about 5-6 more pounds.  I'm still just not quite there yet.  But that will come.

18 - What do you wish you'd done less of?

Although I think I keep a pretty positive attitude, I wish I'd have had an even better attitude more often.  Those few times when I did allow the negative to take over could have been better spent being happy.

19 - What was your favorite TV program?

- Big Bang Theory (Although it's sliding down my list)
- Mike & Molly
- Two Broke Girls
- Survivor

20 - What was your favorite film of this year?

There weren't any films that I was just blown away by in 2012.  For this year I'm still wanting to go see Les Miserables and Lincoln.  I may also try to see The Hobbit.

21 - What was the best book you read?

Sorry to say that I didn't ready any books through in 2012.  I did start reading a book the other day called "The Liberator" about a WWII units battles during the final part of the war.  That book was recommended to me by a World War II vet who I spoke to at work.  A very nice gentlemen who talked my ear off for a good 20-25 minutes one day at work.

22 - How would you describe your personal fashion concept in 2012?

As long as I wasn't walking around naked I was good.

23 - What kept you sane?

Running.  I always used to think that the crap people claimed about exercise reducing stress was just that...CRAP.  But I have proven to myself that that is not the case.  Running has helped me to keep a positive attitude and to burn off the extra stress that comes when the negative creeps in.

24 - What political issue stirred you the most?

I'm pretty much done with politics.  What I've realized is that the vast majority of politicians, regardless of the party they're affiliated with, have no desire to help their constituents.  To coin a phrase from a movie, "They're so busy trying to keep their jobs, they forget to DO their jobs."  This is one negative that I haven't been able to find the "positive".  If our nation is ever destroyed it will be because of this.

Friday, January 4, 2013

Going Back to School

I decided today to go back to school.  But not just any school.  This spring I will be attending Harvard University.  Yeah, you read correctly...Harvard.  I was watching a show a couple of months ago and saw a story about how several major universities were offering courses on line...for free.  The "catch" is that you do not receive college credit for the course.  That's it.  The course is an actual college course being taught on line.  The lectures that I will attend on line will be lectures given to the paying students.  I will be assigned the same reading assignments, same homework and same classwork as the paying students.

I'm looking forward to starting the course and doing something a little more than the running/working/whatever.

This Spring I'm taking a course called "Justice".  From the website, here is a course overview:

"Justice is a critical analysis of classical and contemporary theories of justice, including discussion of present-day applications. Topics include affirmative action, income distribution, same-sex marriage, the role of markets, debates about rights (human rights and property rights), arguments for and against equality, dilemmas of loyalty in public and private life. The course invites students to subject their own views on these controversies to critical examination.
The principle readings for the course are texts by Aristotle, John Locke, Immanuel Kant, John Stuart Mill, and John Rawls. Other assigned readings include writings by contemporary philosophers, court cases, and articles about political controversies that raise philosophical questions."

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

2013 is Here - 2012 In the Books

Well, in spite of all the dooms day predictions that assured us that the world, or at least those of us on it, would not see 2013, the day has arrived.

Like any other year, 2012 came with some changes.  The way I started the year turned out to be a symbol for the entire year.  I started 2012 running in the First on the First 5K run in Westerville New Years Day.  I set a resolution to run two half marathons in 2012, so starting the year running helped to set the tone.  I was very happy with my running in 2012, running four half marathons and a few other runs along the way.

My parents celebrated their 50th Anniversary in 2012, and we recognized that milestone with a lot of friends and family.  I was happy with the number of people who came to the reception we held for them.  Some of the people were friends and family they see on a regular basis.  Others were people who my parents hadn't seen in many years.  It made for a good day and a good celebration.

In late April I joined My Fitness Pal as a way to track my calorie intake and my exercise.  It has worked great for me, helping me to lose 79 pounds of the weight I had regained.  I'm back to a weight that I'm comfortable with, and although I'd still like to get about another six pounds off, if I stick around where I am right now I'll be ok with that.  This is one of those good circles...running has helped me to lose weight, losing weight has helped me to run further, running further has helped me to lose more weight, and so on.

I took a few trips this year.  Most to basically the same destination.  In May, July and December I went to Las Vegas.  The first two trips were basically for sightseeing and relaxing.  The last trip was to run in the Vegas Half Marathon.  If you're thinking about heading to Vegas I would say this...yes it is a dry heat, but in the middle of the summer "dry heat" means nothing at all.  HOT IS HOT.  So unless you plan on spending all of your time in the casinos, don't visit Las Vegas in the summer.

In September, after a few years off, I made a return trip to New York for the Tunnel to Towers Run.  I enjoyed getting back there for that event, and doing some sightseeing around New York City.  My Chief keeps saying that I need to arrange to be in New York at a time when he's there so that he can show me the real sights of the city.  Hopefully I can work that out with him some time.

So all in all, 2012 was a pretty good year for me.  I kept busy, got back to running, took some trips, and reconnected with some old friends.

Bad things happened in 2012 also.  Unfortunately bad things will always happen, and people will always use those bad things to try and influence their own agendas.  But in spite of the terrible tragedies and all the media hype about the "fiscal cliff", for me, 2013 is looking to be a good year.  It is what we make it.  We have a choice.  We can choose to be optimistic or choose to be pessimistic.  Why choose the latter?

This time of the year more than any other, is a time to be optimistic.  There are people who get depressed during the holidays and I say this...This is the time of the year when we celebrate the fact that no matter what bad happens here on earth, we were given a promise that there is more than our life on earth to look forward to.  This coming Sunday on the day of Epiphany, we conclude that celebration.  However, it's something we need to always remember.