Friday, February 1, 2013

Resolution Updates

2013 New Years Resolutions were to:

1 - Read 12 books this year.
2 - Log 1000 miles of running.

Obviously, in order to read 12 books this year I would have to average reading one book a month.  In the month of January I read four books.  I actually started a fifth book, but abandoned that book last night after realizing that I do not like how the book is being written.  The book, a non-fiction story called "Killer Dad" is the story of a man who murdered his wife and daughter.  As much as I like crime dramas, especially real life crime dramas, this book, in my opinion, was not well written.  It basically took the transcripts from the phone calls, interviews and trial and copied them in to a book.  It didn't tell the story as much as it told me what the transcripts said.  So, I'll move on to a different book for my fifth of the year.

In order to log 1000 miles running this year I need to average 83.3 miles each month.  In January I logged just over 80 miles running on the road and 10 miles on the treadmill.  So, with 90 miles under my belt in January, I am slightly ahead of schedule for where I need to be.  That will help out over the next couple of months, since I have races scheduled in mid-February and late March the actual mileage I put in to training decreases in order to give my legs time to recover and prepare for the race.  I expect to be right about on track at the end of February and March.

For this weekend I'm looking forward to a nice four day weekend.  I'm going to spend Saturday having dinner with some friends, Sunday will be spent watching the Superbowl, and Monday & Tuesday will be spent just taking some time to relax.  Also, I'll spend some of my weekend getting items ordered and bought for my sister's 25th anniversary reception in March.  I'm a little behind in preparation for that, but not so far behind that I need to stress.  By the end of my long weekend I should be on track and have just about everything I need.  After this though, I'm done throwing parties.

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