Friday, November 16, 2012

This Time Last Year

Yesterday I went back through some of blog entries from this time frame last year.  I read my blog entries from the Thanksgiving and Christmas seasons, most of which talked about Christmas memories from past years.

Reading those entries started me thinking about the Thanksgiving Holiday season.  Although I enjoyed Thanksgiving as a kid, we really didn't have a lot of family traditions surrounding this holiday.  We would try to watch the Thanksgiving Day parade on television, and turkey was (almost) always the meal for the day.  Sometimes we would have Thanksgiving dinner at home with just the immediate family, sometimes grandparents would come over and join us and sometimes we'd head down to visit other grandparents and spend the holiday at their place for dinner.

There was one year when someone thought that, instead of turkey, we would have cornish game hens for Thanksgiving Dinner.  No offense dad, but "tastes like chicken".

I remember making a turkey with an apple, mini-marshmallows and some toothpicks.

I remember always waiting for Santa to pull up in front of Macy's to signify the official start to the Christmas season.

I remember the year Santa's pants fell down in front of Macy's, signifying a very interesting start to the Christmas season.

Getting Thanksgiving Day off work hasn't really been a huge priority for me until the past few years.  Shortly after buying the house I live in now I even hosted Thanksgiving Dinner with my parents and my brother's family.  Don't ask me how I was able to fit all those people in my very small house for dinner, but somehow I did.  Those years were even spent working and then doing the dinner after work.  Of course, it also involved buying the dinner at Carfagna's so that all that really needed to be done was to heat the food in the oven.

Although the Christmas commercials have been on television and radio for a while, most radio stations won't start playing Christmas music until Thanksgiving or the day after.  One station in Columbus always starts a little early and I occassionally tune in to listen to the Christmas music on my way to work.  This morning, when I got in my car, one song came on that really took me back.  I would have to say that it is the song I like most.  It reminds me of listening to Christmas music on the radio on Christmas morning as we drove down to the grandparents'.  I'm really not sure why this one sticks with me more than just does.

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