Monday, June 18, 2012

Week #6

I started week #6 of my half marathon training today.  In 9 weeks I will be running my next half marathon (The Little Miami Half-Marathon) in Morrow, OH.  I've got the hotel reservation made, because driving 2 hours that early in the morning and then have to run 13.1 miles is NOT what I want to do.  I will, however, have to drive 2 hours back AFTER running 13.1 miles, and those of you who run know that you don't really want to be stuck in a car that long so soon after running a longer race.

I'm still losing weight along the way, and if things keep up at the current pace I should be able to drop about 18 more pounds before race day, which would put me about 45 lbs. lighter than I was when I ran my last half-marathon.

After that throw another 9 weeks of training in and another half-marathon.  That will be the half marathon that I'm looking forward to the most.  Having run the Columbus Marathon in the past, I know how much crowd support there is through the first half of the marathon and I'm looking forward to 13.1 miles of some of the best crowds I've ever seen at any event I've ever run.

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