Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Back to Work

Well..I'm back to work today.  I went to my Opthamologist appointment yesterday and, having dialated pupils, decided not to try and go out in the sunshine and run.  So, I was up at 4am this morning, heading in to run before work.  That is after being off work for about a week and a half.  It was nice to have some time off and just relax.  As I mentioned in an earlier entry, I took one day to go do some family tree research, and took some other time to just relax and get away for a while.

The planning is coming along for my parents' 50th anniversary party, which will be next month.  Once the last piece of the puzzle is confirmed (the where) I'll be able to get the invitations started and sent out.  My nephew, who is an excellent photographer, is planning on taking my parents' 50th anniversary picture this weekend, and that will help me to get moving on some other parts of the preparation.  But overall, I'm happy with how things are coming along and am keeping it as stress free as possible. 

Taxes are done and I even got my state tax refund back in just a few days.  I'm expecting my federal refund no later than Feb. 14, but from what I remember in past years, they tend to come in even quicker than expected if you e-file early, which I did. 

The next task is to make a list of the "projects" that have to be done around the house and start working on making those things happen.  Probably the most expensive of those projects will be stopping the water leaking in to the basement when it rains and making sure that the basement walls, which are bowing some, get taken care of so that they don't collapse on me some day.  I've also got an old window style air conditioner still in the wall of my kitchen.  It doesn't work and was long ago replaced by central air, so it needs to come out and hole either covered over and sided on the outside, or a window installed there.  Another project will be to do some work on the front deck of the house.  Some of the boards are showing their age and are starting to rot, so I need to get the older boards replaced or just replace the entire deck.  At some point I want to replace the fixtures in the bathroom and paint the walls something other than the ugly pale yellow that they are right now.  The kitchen has needed remodeled since long before I moved in to the house ten years ago.  The carpet needs replaced in most of the house.  The walls need painted.  And one day, when I'm feeling really ambitious, I might do some structural remodeling inside to expand the living room.

Not a single one of those projects is going to be inexpensive, most of them NEED to happen.  Fortunately, none or SO drastic that they have to happen today, although the sooner they're done, the better.  So I'll set down, make a list of what needs done.  Prioritize what needs done.  Then put a plan in place to get each project completed. 

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