Saturday, February 11, 2012

2 Down - 12 To Go ... 14 Down - 9 To Go

I finished up the 2nd week of my half marathon training today with a 4 mile run on the treadmill.  I probably should have brought some outdoor running clothes to work with me and gotten outside so I can, in addition to getting used to the distance, get used to the terrain.  But it's pretty cold out this weekend, so I opted to do my running on the treadmill between shifts at work. 

I came in to work at 645am and worked until 245pm.  Then ran my 4 miles, did a little "window shopping" and came back to work at 645pm - 1045pm. 

I'm still trying to pick up as much overtime as I can at work, but now I'm working more on building up my comp time bank so that I have a little more flexibility with time off if I need it (or just want it).

It seems strange to think that in 9 years I will be eligible to retire.  I really don't feel like I'm that close to retirement age.  But in 9 years I will be 55 years old with 26 years of service credit.  By rules I can retire at 55 years old if I have at least 25 years of service.  I will have worked for Dublin 23 years at that time, and I "bought" 3 years of service for the time I was in the Army, so I'll have 26 years.  I really don't see myself retiring at 55 years old though.  Never say 9 years I may be more than ready to get away from going to work every day and dealing with some of the stress that comes with this job.  There will be a lot of things that will go in to my decision on retirement and those questions can't be answered 9 years out, but I have to admit that I'm really hoping that, by the time 2021 rolls around the only question that will need answered at that time will be "Do I WANT to retire?"

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