Monday, December 26, 2011

And so it ends

Well...Christmas Day has come and gone.  I worked a 12 hour day on the 24th, then finished up some last minute Christmas shopping, took advantage of my Giant Eagle fuel perks to fill up my gas tank, then went home to get a nap before going to Christmas Eve service at Church. 

I slept on the couch that evening, waking up periodically to catch bits and pieces of A Christmas Story on TBS, then got up to go to Church services Christmas morning. 

After that I made the drive down to Lancaster to my parents' place.  This year it was just my sister, one of her children and me.  My neice woke up sick, so my brother-in-law stayed home with her while my sister brought my nephew over for Christmas Day.  My younger brother was busy with other things, so he didn't make it over, and my older brother lives in Nebraska and, being a minister, doesn't make it home for Christmas anymore, as he usually has some more important matters to tend to during, what I would consider, the most important time of year for any Christian.

I was back to work early Monday morning as I was able to pick up some overtime.  It'll make for a long week, but that's ok.  The extra money will help to offset the extra cost of "the season".  Last week and this week I'll work at least 28 hours of overtime either covering for sick co-workers or covering for people who took time off for the holidays.  In some ways that's nice, the extra money is nice, but the extra rest is nice too.

2012 will start off with a 5K run, The First on the First starting and ending at the Westerville Ohio Health Campus on Polaris Pky.  After the 5K they serve up some pork and saurkraut...not sure I'll be in the mood for pork and saurkraut after running 5K, but we'll see.

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