Monday, April 22, 2013

What a Week

I'll start by saying no.  No, I was not in Boston last Monday.  No, I did not know anyone who was running in Boston last Monday.  I do know people who know people who ran in Boston last Monday, and of those people, everyone was accounted for and safe.

I received a request from my mom to stop running marathons.  Denied.  Sorry, but I'm not going to stop based on this individual situation.  I also explained to my mom that I am no where fast enough to qualify to run the Boston Marathon.  This happened in Boston because it was Boston.  The people involved knew they would get a lot more attention at the Boston Marathon than most any other marathon simply because it is easily the most prestigious of marathons. 

I do think that, had I planned ahead, I might have been in Boston last Monday.  Not to run, but to watch, and if I'd have been watching, I would most likely have been standing somewhere near the finish line.  That's the location where you see the joy and sense of accomplishment on the runners faces as they finish a marathon that only a select few are even allowed to run.

I am happy to know that the individuals responsible for placing those bombs are no longer able to commit acts like this in the future.  I'm sure there were probably others involved and I hope the investigation leads to finding who those people are so that they too can be brought to justice. 

The best part of the week was on Friday evening, watching as the police, fire and EMS personnel left the Newtown, CT area after taking one of the suspects in to custody.  The appreciation and joy shown by the residents was something we don't see quite enough of. 

This event cost 4 innocent people their lives and numerous others suffered serious injuries as a result, so I would ask that you keep those who were directly affected in your prayers.

Today I begin my taper.  The time when the running schedule starts to lighten a bit to prepare for the Cap City half marathon, which is less than two weeks away.  I can tell that the half marathons are becoming less strenuous for me over time.  I used to look forward to the it makes me antsy. 

After Cap City I have no half marathons scheduled until September when I will run the Rock 'n Roll Half Marathon in Philadelphia.  This will be the longest break between half's that I've taken since I got back to running, so I knew I had to put together a running schedule to get me through that time.  I decided to prepare for that half marathon by running a 19 week marathon training schedule.  This schedule will have me running more miles over the summer than I've run in a long time.  I wanted to do this kind of training for a couple of reasons.  First off, it will give me a chance to see if I'm ready to run a full marathon again.  Second, I figure that after training for a full marathon, running a half marathon would be a nice break for me.  So instead of "gearing up" to run  a half, I'd actually be looking at the half as a little bit of a break from the 16-20 mile runs I'd be doing to prepare. 

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