Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Resolution Updates

OK...recap....2013 Resolutions were to to log 1000 miles of running this year and to read 12 books.

For the running resolution, in order to be on track, I would have to have 333.3 miles of running logged for the year.  As of yesterday I've logged 345.52 miles of running.  So I'm doing well, and staying above pace for that goal.  I will start May off with about 3 miles or so on the first, then the Cap City Half Marathon on May 4.  After that I will start a 19 week Marathon training program to get me through the summer and prepare me for the Philadelphia Rock 'n Roll Half Marathon on Sept. 15.

For the reading resolution, I just recently read my 7th book for this year.  So far I've read "The Liberator" by Alex Kershaw, "An Accidental Athlete" by John Bingham, "Sinners and Saints" by Eileen Dreyer, "I Run, Therefore I Am - NUTS!" by Bob Schwartz, "Good Cop Bad Cop" by Rebecca H. Dartt, "Life Code - The New Rules for Winning in the Real World" by Dr. Phil McGraw, and "The Time Machine" by H. G. Wells.

So as we close out the first third of 2013, the resolutions are going as planned.  Let's see what the rest of the year brings.

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