Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Speculation, Rumors and Gossip - OH MY!

From 2002-2006 I was a Communications Supervisor where I work.  One of biggest frustrations I had as a supervisor was when the people that worked in my department would speculate as to why I made certain decisions or what steps I was or was not taking to deal with certain issues.  99.9% of the time those people were wrong.  I also learned that I had to be careful to base my decisions on fact and not my own speculation.  Someone once said that, in the absence of an honest explanation, peoples' perceptions become their reality.  (I'm sure I butchered the quote, but I think you get the picture).  However, there are times when explanations are not possible for whatever reasons.  Or the explanation part of the equation may not be anyone else's business.  It still happens all the time, and I'll admit that I'm sometimes guilty of it myself. 
One example of this was my recent decision to delete my Facebook account.  The reasons basically boiled down to drama.  When I got to the point where I was stressing over my "status updates" and trying to make sure that I was wording things so as not to be taken out context, it just became easier not to have facebook.  When I had to deal with people actually being jealous over the reactions I would get to my facebook status or things I posted on was just easier not to have facebook.  But here's the part that, had it not been so funny, would have been frustrating.  I found out recently that people were actually speculating as to WHY I had deleted my facebook account.  This came in spite of the fact that I explained my reasons on facebook and in person.  Of course the speculation was that my decision was made for reasons other than those I gave. 
So I would just ask this.  If you want to know why I made a decision, just ask.  If you want to know why I did something, just ask.  If you want to know why I didn't do something, just ask.  I'll either answer the question honestly or I won't answer it at all.  If I choose to not answer the question...then that means that the answer is none of your business and therefore nothing for you worry about.  Basically it boils down to this...don't try to read my're not very good at it.

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