Monday, September 9, 2013

Some Changes - Some Challenges

This past week has put me on a different schedule than normal at work.  It forced me to make some adjustments to my running schedule, but nothing I wasn't able to adapt to.  I also am dealing with the taper once again, something I haven't done for a few months.  As I prepare for this week's Philadelphia Rock 'n' Roll Half Marathon I will be cutting back on my running, giving my legs a chance to fully recover from two separate 18 mile runs last month.  After my race on Sunday, I have to work to get right back in to my training schedule so that I'm fully prepared to run a full marathon one month later right here in Columbus.

But I've been making some changes and plans for this year and next.  Since changing my registration for my Columbus race in October from the half marathon to the full marathon, I've adjusted my training schedule.  I've also started planning for 2014.  I've already registered for the Phoenix Marathon on March 1 and made my flight and hotel reservations.  Hopefully I don't end up having too big of a wrench thrown in the works there.  I made those reservations on somewhat of a leap of faith as I don't know what my schedule will be like next year, what my days off will be and if I will get approved for the time off.  Those are all things that I won't find out for a couple of months, but I have faith.

In addition to Phoenix, I'm hoping to do at least seven more races in 2014.  Ideally I would like to run the Raleigh Rock 'n' Roll Half and Nashville Rock 'n' Roll Half in April, the Laugh & a Half Marathon in Nebraska in June, the Virginia Beach Rock 'n' Roll Half in August, the St. Louis Rock 'n' Roll Half in October, the Big Sur Half Marathon and, of course, the Space Coast Half Marathon in November.  That would be my ideal 2014 race schedule.

With 11 states currently under my belt in my Quest for 48 States, and one more scheduled the end of this month in Iowa, an ideal 2014 race schedule would put me 18 states down and 30 more to go.  Raleigh and the Space Coast would not give me any additional states in my "Quest", but would both provide me with additional medals to add to my collection.

For 2014, I'll have to see how things play out and hope for the best.

Another change was a late change to my travel plans for my trip to Philadelphia.  After looking at the cost of gas and parking in Philadelphia and comparing that to the cost of a flight and cab fare, it turned out that I would be paying nearly exactly the same thing to fly as I would to drive, so plane reservations have been made.  I also added an extra day to my stay in Philadelphia.  Having never visited Philadelphia, and being somewhat of a history buff, I wanted to make sure I had some time to see the city without wearing my legs out the day before the race, and without having to rely on walking around the city the same day that I run a half marathon.  As I posted on Facebook, what good is a destination run if I don't take some time to visit the destination?

I really think everyone should run....

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