Saturday, December 15, 2012

Memories of Christmases Past

I'm not sure that it's accurate for me to use the word "Memories" when talking about some of these pictures, because some of the early pictures I don't remember.  But in going through some photos I came across several pictures that were taken during the Christmas season that I thought I'd share.

Christmas 1968 at the Burkhardt grandparents' place.  I'm the one in the light colored suit standing in front of my mom.

I'm on the left in the white turtle neck.  This was taken at the Lyon grandparents' place on Christmas Day of 1970 or 1971.

This would have been taken at the Burkhardt grandparents' place with all the aunts, uncles and cousins.  I originally thought this was a Christmas photo, but it may not be.  Based on the size of my brother sitting on my mom's lap, it would have been taken in 1970.

Taken at the Lyon grandparents'.  Possibly around 1971.  In those days Santa would show up to pass out some gifts.

Taken at the Burkhardt grandparents' in 1972.  I'm the one in the puke green suit (But that was stylin' in those days) and back in the days when we used to get dressed up to go to the grandparents' on Christmas Day.

Earlier that same Christmas at the Lyon grandparents'.  How do I know it was earlier and not later?  Two things..first of all my brother and I are still wearing are suit coats.  Secondly, that was the "schedule" on Christmas Day....the Lyon's in the morning and the Burkhardt's in the afternoon.

Not only was the suit a nice shade of puke was pinstriped puke green.  But remember...1972

Obviously, part of the Christmas tradition were pictures in front of the Christmas tree.  All of these were taken at the Lyon house.

These two were taken at our house in Groveport.  The tree was always in the corner by the front window of the house.  The smell of fresh pine and fresh baked Christmas cookies are part of what I have always loved about the Christmas season.

This picture was taken at the Groveport United Methodist Church at the Christmas Eve service.  I'm in the back row wearing the white shirt.  My brother Kevin is directly in front of me wearing the white shirt and dark tie.  My sister Tammie is standing next to the piano in the blue dress.  I think  you can see the top of my brother Mike's head right in front of Tammie.  He's the blonde kid with the yellowish shirt.

Christmas of 1984 at Grandma Burkhardt's house.  I enlisted in the Army and left the Monday following Thanksgiving that year.  I was in Basic Training, stationed at Ft. McClellan, AL then.  

Christmas time 1986 in front of the Käthe Wohlfahrt Christkindlmarkt in Rothenburg Germany.  1986 was the only year when I did not make it home for Christmas.  But to be at one of the most famous Christmas markets in the world during the season made it a special Christmas.

My nephew Alex and "Santa" at the Meijer store on Sawmill Rd.  If you shave away the white beard and cut the hair, you'll see that this Santa has a strange resemblance to me.

My nieces Bailie and Kylie with Santa at the Dublin Justice Center in 1998.

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