Saturday, August 11, 2012

The Taper

Well, in just over a week I will run my next half marathon.  I've stuck to the training schedule much better than I did for the last half marathon I ran, so I'm looking forward to hopefully seeing some improvement in my time and in how I feel once I've gone the 13.1 miles.

I also hope that the weather next weekend is as cool as it is this weekend.  Yesterday I went out and walked 4 miles and it felt like I was walking on a nice fall afternoon (my favorite season).  After work today I will head over to the Olentangy Trail and run 5 miles.

The last couple of weeks I've been "tapering" in my training.  Basically, what that means is, I've been cutting back on how far or how long I run.  The purpose of the taper is to allow the muscles to recover from the hard training they've been doing over the previous 12 weeks.  During that time period they've been put through a lot and not given a lot of recovery time.  The taper is meant to give the body a chance to truly recover and rebuild itself so that it is in the best shape possible on race day.  However, you don't want to stop running completely or you won't be loose on race day and it will take longer to settle in to a decent pace.

One of the things that I like about running is that it has taught me a lot about life in general.  In life we sometimes have to back off and rebuild.  Give ourselves a chance to fully recover and utilize all that we've been taught.  But we don't want to stop living life completely or it could take a while to settle in to a good "pace". that insightful or what?!  I should get a job writing for a fortune cookie company.

Today marks my 20th consecutive day at work without a day off.  As it stands right now I will be off work for the next two days, and am planning on taking full advantage of the time off.  I guess by "full advantage" I really mean, not working.

Tomorrow I will get in my weekly weigh-in to see if I've lost any more weight since last week.  After that I'll head to church, then I'm taking my brother, who is also trying to lose weight, to a running store to get him a good pair of walking shoes.  After that I'm taking him to lunch/dinner to celebrate his completion of his course of study for the Methodist Church, where he serves as a minister.

On Monday I've got to do a light run and I may try to go catch a movie.  There are a few movies out right now that I'd like to see, so this may be an opportunity to relax and go see them.  You know....taper.

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