Thursday, August 30, 2012

Old Friends

Over the past few years I've had the opportunity to connect with a few old friends.  In a couple of cases the friends were people who I hadn't heard from in at least a few years.  It was interesting to me finding out that, over the years, there had been several situations in which we probably just missed crossing paths.  Either we lived fairly close to each other, worked near each other, or in other ways could have easily crossed paths without knowing.

In the most recent situation, I walked out to check my mail and found a letter from an old friend.  Letter had not been mailed.  The friend had "snuck" up on my porch while I was home, dropped the letter in my mailbox and left.  When I found the letter there was no phone number or address or any other information in the letter telling me how to get in contact with her.  She even told me that she did not pull in to my driveway and then drove away without shutting her car door because she was afraid someone might hear the door.  Now, this was not an attempt to avoid seeing me.  She had other reasons for not wanting to be "confronted" leaving something at my door.

We did get in touch that day and got together for a long conversation.  I found out that, for nearly a year, she has lived right around the corner from me.  As a matter of fact, I run or walk by her apartment nearly every day.  Her daughter, who was only 5 years old the last time I saw her, is now 17 years old and had actually "thought" that she had seen me at one point.  She probably had.

It made me think about a day several years ago when I worked for my last employer.  I worked at Meijer and, as I was walking around the store, I saw someone I recognized.  The only thing was that I could not remember how it was that I knew this guy.  I walked around several times looking at him, trying to figure out how it was that I knew him.  He finally said something to me to let me know that he also recognized me.  As we talked I realized that we had been in the Army together.  Stationed in Germany together.  He had never lived in Ohio and was actually not a US citizen when he first joined the Army, yet I ran in to him in my own home town, where he had moved to go to school.

Things like this happen occasionally.  Whether it's coincidence, devine intervention, fate, or whatever, it keeps life interesting and keeps me in mind of one thing....

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