Friday, July 27, 2012

Long Week

It's been a long week at work this week.  I started off working 4 hours of OT on my day off (Monday), and then worked 4 hours of OT the first four days of my work week.  I was originally supposed to be working a twelve hour shift on Saturday also, but 4 hours of that were cancelled.  However, I am coming in for four hours early Sunday morning.

The overtime happens here every once in a while.  Right now it's mainly because of the fact that we've got people on vacation time, people out of the radio room to train the new dispatcher and people off sick.

Weeks like this are the kind of weeks when I'm thankful to be a runner.  The exercise I get helps me to stay rested, even when I'm working a lot of hours.  It helps to get rid of the stress that comes from working all the hours.  It keeps me in a good mood, even when I'm dealing with people who clearly aren't in the best of moods.

Keeping that in mind, I was able to sign up to run another 5K run next week.  Next weekend is the Irish Festival in Dublin.  The last few years it has been kicked off by a 4 mile or 5K run in downtown Dublin.  A lot of runners come out for the run and many stay to participate in the Pub Crawl afterwards.  It's a nice run through a nice part of old Dublin.  Although I'm supposed to run for 50 minutes next Thursday, and a 5K run will most definitely be finished in less than 50 minutes, I always enjoy running with the large groups of people that participate in this run.  Add to that the fact that some of my co-workers will be directing traffic at the intersections, and that keeps me motivated to keep running and not slack off.

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