Sunday, February 15, 2015

Long Time - No Blog really has been a while since my last blog entry.  Since my last post I have now moved back to first shift at work.  This is most definitely a busier shift than the first shift that I left last year, and the third shift that I've worked for the past year.  It took me a little bit of time to get used to the activity level, and I'll admit that I left work a couple of times mentally exhausted.  But again, as I've said in the past, that is where running really helps out.  It's the outlet I need.  The weather has been cold, which caused some "motivational issues" on my end, when it came to running.  But the last couple of weeks have been decent and I'm preparing now for my first race of 2015, the Mercedes Benz Birmingham Half Marathon.

Because of training that is going on at work, Birmingham will be a quick 3 day trip.  I fly down on Saturday and fly back Monday.  I will finally get to meet my IR4 running buddy and his family.  They are going to drive out and spend a night in the Birmingham area to meet me and cheer me on in my race.  That will make for a fun weekend.  This will be my 22nd state in my quest to run a race in all 50 states.

My times over the past year have gotten really bad compared to where they were in 2013.  I've been running in the 2:20 area for my last few half marathons, and am really expecting to be even slower for this one.  But as I get back to a more "normal" routine, I'm hoping that will improve my times.  Even if my times don't improve though, as long as I continue to have fun and continue to stay active, I'm ok with that.

This will be a busy few months of races for me.  After running Birmingham next week I will be back down south just four weeks later for the Publix Georgia Half Marathon in Atlanta and state #23.  A short four weeks after that I will be headed south again, this time to Oklahoma for state #24 and the Oklahoma City Memorial Half Marathon.  This year marks the 20 year anniversary of the bombing of the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City.  Funds raised from that race go towards the Oklahoma City Memorial and museum.  One week after running in Oklahoma City I will be lacing up again for the Cap City Half Marathon in my hometown here in Columbus.

That means four half marathons in nine weeks.  Then I have a break.  The next race I currently have scheduled after that will be the Shawshank Hustle.  This race starts and ends at the Mansfield Correctional Institute, where much of the movie The Shawshank Redemption was filmed.  The course passes by many locations where different parts of the movie were filmed.  This will be the second time I've run a "movie based" race, the first being the Christmas Story 5K in Cleveland last December.

After that race I'm registered for the Columbus Half Marathon in October and then the Space Coast Half Marathon in Cocoa, FL in November.  A slightly lighter year of running, at least so far, than I did last year.  However, 2015 will be a year to do a little bit of re-grouping and having some fun.

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