Monday, September 22, 2014

Too Much or Too Little?

All throughout this last week circumstances have come up in the lives of people I know that have made me want to sit down and start typing in my blog.  But on each occasion I would sit down, and the words just wouldn't come.  I didn't know what to say, or what I wanted to say seemed almost inadequate.

Those things that came to mind were both positive and not so positive.  While I want to be a positive person, I think it's also important to be realistic.  And while I want to be realistic, I don't want to focus so much on the negative that I forget that positive things are happening.  And while I don't want to be too negative, I want to let those that have been dealt a rough hand know that I am not trying to minimize what they're dealing with.

So, that being said, a phrase from a class I was in last week comes to mind, "It is what it is....until it ain't."

I can only say that those in my life who are struggling with whatever they're struggling with are in my thoughts and prayers.  While I believe in the "power of positivity" (I's not even a thing), I believe more in the "power of negativity."  I don't think positive thoughts necessarily heal, but I do think they can hold off the negative side effects of ... well, whatever.  I also believe that negativity can speed up decline of one's health if that person is dealing with a health issue.

That may not make much sense, and I know it's a little muddled in how I presented it, but really this is my blog, and as long as I understand what I'm saying then that's really all that matters... ;-)

So basically I will say this, to my mother, father and sister, who are all dealing with health issues, I love you all and you are in my thoughts and prayers.

To my "I Run 4 Buddy" Brett, you and your family are in my thoughts and prayers, and I'll remember your toughness and bravery every time I hit the road for a run.

To Pastor Jay, I pray for your mother to recover from her stroke and for you and your family to find strength in a difficult time.

To 115 who, as I type this is probably being prepped for surgery, you too are in my prayers, especially today, but always as you move forward in your fight.

To Mollie and her daughter, to 125, and to so many other people who have entered my life and are dealing with things they'd surely rather not be dealing with, I'm thinking about you, I'm praying for you, and I'll do what I can to keep it positive.

Having said all that....don't you think a spelling bee would be more entertaining if the contestants had to say "to the" between each letter of their word?

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