Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Small Worlds and Facebook Friends

Gee....two blog entries in two days!!

During my first stint on Facebook I came across something I found interesting.  Facebook will suggest friends for you; people you may know based on the fact that they are friends with people you are also friends with.  I found it interesting when these suggested friends would be friends with people who I knew through completely different circumstances.  What I mean is, usually the mutual friends you have with this suggested person are all part of the same group.  Five mutual friends, all of whom you went to high school with, usually means you also went to high school with this suggested friend.  Three of your friends from work know this person, then it's probably someone they knew through work.

Every once in a while though, people will have mutual friends who you happen to know through completely different circumstances.  For example, the first time I was on Facebook I was friends with an individual I had been stationed with when I was in the Army.  We were stationed together in Germany and he lives no where close to me here in the States.  That person, Jason Becker, was facebook friends with an individual named Mike Banks.  Mike was someone I knew from his job in public safety communications in Wadsworth, OH.  My paths with these two individuals had crossed years apart and in two very different ways, yet somehow they knew each other and both knew me.

Today something very similar happened.  As I was looking through people that facebook was saying I might know, I came across the name Melissa Albert.  I don't know Melissa, but it said that three of my friends did know her.  I checked out who those three people were, expecting them to maybe be a cousin, his wife and his kid.  However, it was not.  Two of the friends, my sister and her son, made sense that they would both know Melissa, but the third was a co-worker of mine, Justin Chappelear.  To the best of my knowledge Justin has never crossed paths with my sister or her son, but somehow they both know and are friends with the same person.  Small world, nice coincidence, but hardly earth shattering.

But check this one out.  Another friend suggestion was a girl named Laurie Johnston.  Laurie is friends with two people who are Facebook friends of mine.  One, Steven Daniel, is my second cousin who lives in Chicago.  Steven's mother and my grandmother were sisters, but not raised together for a variety of reasons, some which are still unknown to the family.  The other mutual friend is Brian Evak, someone I went to high school with in Pickerington.  I don't know of any situation when Brian and Steve would have had any reason to cross paths, yet somehow they both crossed paths with Laurie Johnston and have crossed paths with me in very different ways.

Again, none of this is earth shattering, but it is, at least to me, very interesting.  It shows that the world is indeed small and that we are all connected much more closely than we may realize.

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